Wednesday, December 8, 2021

The eternal magic of LIterature

 Today I read a book: The Stranger's Child by Alan Hollinghurst.

It was eminently readable, and after i finished the book I realized that I had somehow missed or inadvertantly skipped the part which explains the title.

So I looked it up, and was pleasantly surprised to read that this randomly selected book  is quite reputed in the literary world. And the title is from a poem, and puts the spotlight on one scene around which the whole story revolves. So I accidentally got to read an acclaimed book.

I have to agree. My experience with the book was that, in these days of distraction from multiple sources,  I had read the 562 pages at one go. Of course, over two days, and when I was left with no work to do. It was about writers, and the world of publishing, of ageing, of changing times, homophobia and the randomness of fame. 

After I put the book down, and even before I came to know of it being 'literary' I had actually browsed for History of Literature courses online and found one from a reputed University. I intend to enrol in it. So much did the book invoke memories of my college and the excellent lectures I had listened to therein.

I also began my second day with the book by reading a few verses from "The Waste LanD", a poem that I was asked to write about in my entrance exam to my English Course at Stella Maris College. 

I am at cross roads of my life now and this book reminded me how much I had loved being a student of literature before life and its demands swallowed me up. 

Though I may have lost the ability to review the book in a scholarly way, the lines here are my tribute to it as good literature; Literature that makes you want to be in touch with similar excellent works that have attempted to explain life with all its nuances.

Supposedly magical, but just logical: Salary

 Let's praise salary first

It's regular

It pays bills

It makes one respectable

It makes one financially independent

It helps to shop for non-essentials too

it gives a sense of security


It can be 

a pain 

 monotonous work 

 non productive

soul crushing if unethical

The real danger however, is in believing that salary aka money can win you love, respect, familial devotion, admiration, credibility and proof of your intelligence and validity.

Tell me you never fell into the trap of believing that money would provide you with one or all of the above.

But the worst part about salary is when you are supposed to get it but it comes very late.