Friday, December 10, 2010

Things that can be written easily

The easiest things that can be written are romantic poems. As Wordsworth defined it, 'the sponatneous overflow' ensures that powerful emotions are distilled into poetry or prose.

Blogs, diaries,journals are also easy to write for two reasons. They are based on our experience and do not require high levels of writing skills.The other type of not so difficult writing is report writing. you write what you observe; a series of events, a performance, a product; you give all details and describe the sequence of action in it's normal progression.

Writing a speech is  a slightly more difficult task which becomes easier if we are passionate about the topic, are familiar with the audience and have something useful to tell them. Writing an essay or a thesis requires that the writer has some general knowledge and reference skills to highlight all aspects of a certain issue and put forth a conclusive argument.
Higher levels of creative writing like novels, plays and epics require inspiration, talent, commitment and creativity to bring to life a world of imaginary characters.
But the most difficult things to write, according to me, are didactic poems for text books. Not being a generation of preachers, we teachers are not inspired to spout lofty morals in rhyme.

1 comment:

BALA said...

I agree with you about the composition of didactic stuff. However what ever we try to write a personal experience is mandatory for its success.