Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Money, no magic or even logic about it

What must it feel like to be a leader in a company like Aircel and Reliance Communications that owe thousands of crores (count the zeros, more than 10 I'm sure) to their creditors?

I hated family members who ruined the family economy by overspending and taking loans. They hated me for being boring, unimaginative and casual. This is how my economics works. I keep away from overspenders. There is no such word, right? No such person too, it seems in modern times, you do what you like, leave your creditors high and dry, ruin life as you knew it and ruin it for millions, and never let the poorest of the poor see a better day.

Money has no magic, no logic. It's nothing and it's not even a piece of paper anymore.

Cheers to a new world with no logic and no magic and just numbers with more than  ten zeros

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